Version 2.0.1
Released: April 17, 2014
[column size=“1/2″]
- WordPress 3.9 Compatibility.
- WP 3.9: Fixed GUI Shortcodes.
- WP 3.9: Fixed Rich Text page builder widget.
- Added: Reviews support in latest gallery carousel.
- Fixed: Mega menu sub-cat hover color setting.
- Improved: Language strings text-domain unified for WooCommerce and bbPress.
[column size=“1/2″]
Files & Plugin Changes
Plugins to delete/re-install: (after theme update) Bunyad Shortcodes, Bunyad Page Builder
Files Changed: Files ChangeLog
Version 2.0
Released: April 8, 2014
[column size=“1/2″]
- Full WooCommerce Integration with unique styling:
- Right Sidebar and Full-width option.
- All page styled: Shop, Cart, Checkout, My Account.
- Styled the native widgets in a Unique SmartMag style.
- Made it fully responsive.
- New WooCommerce related options in Theme Settings.
- Fixed: Empty categories not listed in blocks category selection.
- Fixed: RTL issues on flexslider.
- Fixed: SSL protocol for google web fonts.
- Fixed: Widgets cache issue with WPML.
- Fixed: Safari 5.1 menus work again.
- Fixed: 99.999% decimal bug with columns in pagebuilder.
- Improved: Custom CSS can now work off a different directory.
- Improved: More hooks and many framework changes for better extensions.
- Improved: Better looking long titles when using slide animation of slider.
- Improved: Default page template featured setting.
[column size=“1/2″]
Files & Plugin Changes
Plugins to delete/re-install: (after theme update) Bunyad Widgets, Bunyad Shortcodes, Bunyad Page Builder
Files Changed:
Version 1.5.2
Released: March 13, 2014
[column size=“1/2″]
- FEATURE: Global color support for categories. Site's main color will change for a category and its posts.
- FEATURE: Advanced Custom Taxonomy support in Homepage blocks and Archives.
- FEATURE: Limit by category on Bunyad Recent Posts widget.
- Improved: Custom taxonomies handling on single post page and archives.
- Improved: Long menus in Firefox.
- Improved: Portrait view on android.
- Improved: prettyPhoto / lightbox is disabled for usability on mobile devices.
- Improved: Translation contexts and some string issues.
- Improved: Tag cloud widget styling.
- Fixed: Pagination issue on classic home page
- Fixed: Recent tabs widget heading color not updating.
- Fixed: Attachment links being loaded in lightbox.
[column size=“1/2″]
Files & Plugin Changes
Plugins to delete/re-install: (after theme update) Bunyad Widgets
Files Changed:
Version 1.5.1
Released: Feb 28, 2014
[column size=“1/2″]
- FEATURE: Disable featured area (image/video/gallery) per post.
- Added: Category description can now be displayed on category listing – shortcodes
work too. - Added: Two new styling and typography options relating to excerpts.
- Added: Pagination to authors page template.
- Improved: Navigation on light skin.
- Improved: Recent tabs widget now handles non-latin languages.
- Improved: In-post captions better styled.
- Improved: Bg images in boxed mode now work better on mobile devices.
- Fixed: Search results pagination with special chars.
- Fixed: Posts limit on highlights block.
- Fixed: Slider height in boxed mode on 480px smartphones.
- Fixed: Chrome 33 issue with FitVids.js text rendering.
- Fixed: Embed shortcode issue in Text widget of Pagebuilder.
- Fixed: Right side slider category limit gets reset.
- Fixed: Post gallery relying on global post per page setting.
- And 9 more minor improvements and changes.
[column size=“1/2″]
Files & Plugin Changes
Plugins to delete/re-install: Bunyad Widgets, Page Builder
Files Changed:
Version 1.5.0
Released: Feb 19, 2014
[column size=“1/2″]
- FEATURE: Added full bbPress integration & a new custom widget for bbPress.
- FEATURE: Added a login/register modal and a navigation button (bbPress).
- Improved: Menu on tablets is fully touch friendly now.
- Improved: Much improved LIGHT Color Scheme.
- Improved: Added option to change bg color of Mega menu sub-nav (left).
- Improved: Custom CSS parser is compatible with most plugins now.
- Improved: Page Builder no longer breaks when a plugin uses Prototype.js.
- Fixed: Javascript being stripped in header/footer Theme Settings.
- Fixed: Multiple "Recent Tabs" now work on same page.
- Fixed: 8 minor bugs.
[column size=“1/2″]
Files & Plugin Changes
Plugins to delete/re-install: (after theme update) Bunyad Widgets, Bunyad Page Builder
Files Changed:
Version 1.1.0
Released: Feb 13, 2014
[column size=“1/2″]
- FEATURE: All Page Builder blocks now have tag support – not just categories. UNIQUE!
- FEATURE: Sorting options in Page Builder blocks: date, modified date, random – latest/ oldest first.
- FEATURE: Article Schema fully implemented to homepage, single post, & listings.
- FEATURE: Google Authorship support is now built-in when a gplus+ link is set in
author profile. - FEATURE: Multiple highlight posts (big blocks) supported for News Focus Block.
- FEATURE: Custom background image support for Pages and Posts in boxed mode.
- FEATURE: Latest gallery block can now be limited to a category or tag. Also inclues a bug fix.
- FEATURE: Option to show latest posts in the slider instead of manually marking
featured posts. - FEATURE: Use a category or a tag for showing posts on the right side 3-posts grid of slider.
- FEATURE: Recent Tabs widget now supports limiting by tags instead of just categories. Improved usability as well.
- Improved: Added options to add custom header () and footer code ().
- Improved: Added styling for more social icons (instagram, youtube, tumblr, google+).
- Improved: Handling for custom post types in breadcrumbs.
- Improved: Trending news ticker now uses ellipsis for long titles.
- Improved: Child themes can now override framework and page-builder blocks too.
- Improved: Removed hentry microformat rich snippet and replaced with
Article. - Fixed: OS X Chrome having issues with whitespaces in comment count.
- Fixed: Dropcaps no longer have a character missing on home-page when using
auto-excerpt. - Fixed: Change highlight color when theme color changes.
- Fixed: Menu links in top-bar are now fully responsive.
- Fixed: Issue with category having white background in boxed mode unless a category image is set.
- Fixed: Image Logo is aligned vertically centered now by default regardless of
white-spacing in image. - Fixed: Custom CSS/colors not applying when a plugin causes functions.php to load twice.
- Fixed: 8 more minor bug fixes and improvements in CSS, sample data, and widgets.
- Added: A child theme example.
[column size=“1/2″]
Files & Plugin Changes
Plugins to delete/re-install: (after theme update) Bunyad Widgets, Bunyad Shortcodes, Bunyad Page Builder
Version 1.0.5
Released: Feb 9, 2014
[column size=“1/2″]
- Added: Top bar menu support is built-in now. No more Custom CSS.
- Fixed: WordPress category widget styling issue in hierarchical view with no post count.
- Fixed: Saving tabbed widget without selecting category/title causes errors.
- Fixed: Errors when reviews are enabled without adding criteria.
- Changed: Bunyad Widgets plugin is no longer force activated.
[column size=“1/2″]
Files & Plugin Changes
Plugins to delete/re-install: (after theme update) Bunyad Widgets
Version 1.0.4
Released: Feb 8, 2014
[column size=“1/2″]
- Fixed: Pagination spacing and selection issue on front-page blog listing blocks.
- Fixed: Mobile menu not clickable when not named main-menu.
- Feature: Shortcode support added in Advertisement widget.
- Usability: Added auto-selection of page template when pagebuilder is activated to stop users from missing this step.
[column size=“1/2″]
Files & Plugin Changes
Plugins to delete/re-install: (after theme update) Bunyad Widgets, Bunyad Page Builder
Version 1.0.3
Released: Feb 7, 2014
[column size=“1/2″]
- Fixed: prettyPhoto mosaic tiled galleries not being grouped.
- Fixed: A PHP warning on plugins activation in some installations.
- Fixed: Image flickr in firefox.
- Fixed: Responsive version of the blog listing style having left spacing.
- Fixed: Sticky posts taking priority in the featured area.
- Fixed: Margin of gallery block when used at bottom.
[column size=“1/2″]
Files & Plugin Changes
Plugins to delete/re-install: (after theme update) Bunyad Widgets, Bunyad Page Builder
Version 1.0.2
Released: Feb 5, 2014
[column size=“1/2″]
- NEW FEATURE: Google Responsive Ads fully supported now.
- Fixed: An issue with using Custom Menus prior to navigation menu.
- Fixed: Mosaic tiled gallery width.
- Fixed: Category Mega Menu featured post not working properly.
- Fixed: Retina logo is no longer required when using image based logo.
- Fixed: Media Library search broken in admin area.
- Fixed: Styling issue for google-plus social icon in top bar.
- Fixed: 728×90 ad vertical alignment issue in right side of header.
- Documentation improvements and fixes.